View file File name : Cdn_StackPath_Page_View.php Content :<?php namespace W3TC; if ( !defined( 'W3TC' ) ) die(); ?> <?php if ( !$authorized ): ?> <tr> <th style="width: 300px;"><label><?php _e( 'Create account:', 'w3-total-cache' )?></label></th> <td> <a href="<?php esc_attr_e( STACKPATH_SIGNUP_URL )?>" target="_blank" id="netdna-stackpath-create-account" class="button-primary"><?php _e( 'Sign Up Now and Save', 'w3-total-cache' ) ?></a> <br /> <span class="description"><?php _e( 'StackPath is a service that lets you speed up your site even more with W3 Total Cache. 100% Money Back Guarantee (30 Days)!', 'w3-total-cache' )?></span> </td> </tr> <?php endif ?> <tr> <th style="width: 300px;"> <label> <?php _e( 'Specify account credentials:', 'w3-total-cache' ); ?> </label> </th> <td> <?php if ( $authorized ): ?> <input class="w3tc_cdn_stackpath_authorize button-primary" type="button" value="<?php _e( 'Reauthorize', 'w3-total-cache' ); ?>" /> <?php else: ?> <input class="w3tc_cdn_stackpath_authorize button-primary" type="button" value="<?php _e( 'Authorize', 'w3-total-cache' ); ?>" /> <?php endif ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ( $authorized ): ?> <?php if ( !is_null( $http_domain ) ): ?> <tr> <th> <label><?php _e( '<acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> HTTP CNAME:', 'w3-total-cache' ); ?></label> </th> <td class="w3tc_config_value_text"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $http_domain ) ?><br /> <span class="description"> This website domain has to be CNAME pointing to this <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> domain for HTTP requests </span> </td> </tr> <?php endif ?> <?php if ( !is_null( $https_domain ) ): ?> <tr> <th> <label><?php _e( '<acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> HTTPS CNAME:', 'w3-total-cache' ); ?></label> </th> <td class="w3tc_config_value_text"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $https_domain ) ?><br /> <span class="description"> This website domain has to be CNAME pointing to this <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> domain for HTTPS requests </span> </td> </tr> <?php endif ?> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_stackpath_ssl"><?php _e( '<acronym title="Secure Sockets Layer">SSL</acronym> support', 'w3-total-cache' )?>:</label></th> <td> <select id="cdn_stackpath_ssl" name="cdn__stackpath__ssl" <?php Util_Ui::sealing_disabled( 'cdn.' ) ?>> <option value="auto"<?php selected( $config->get_string( 'cdn.stackpath.ssl' ), 'auto' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Auto (determine connection type automatically)', 'w3-total-cache' )?></option> <option value="enabled"<?php selected( $config->get_string( 'cdn.stackpath.ssl' ), 'enabled' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Enabled (always use SSL)', 'w3-total-cache' )?></option> <option value="disabled"<?php selected( $config->get_string( 'cdn.stackpath.ssl' ), 'disabled' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Disabled (always use HTTP)', 'w3-total-cache' )?></option> </select> <br /><span class="description"><?php _e( 'Some <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> providers may or may not support <acronym title="Secure Sockets Layer">SSL</acronym>, contact your vendor for more information.', 'w3-total-cache' )?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php _e( 'Replace site\'s hostname with:', 'w3-total-cache' )?></th> <td> <?php $cnames = $config->get_array( 'cdn.stackpath.domain' ); include W3TC_INC_DIR . '/options/cdn/common/cnames.php'; ?> <br /><span class="description"><?php _e( 'Enter the hostname provided by your <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> provider, this value will replace your site\'s hostname in the <acronym title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache' )?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <input id="cdn_test" class="button {type: 'stackpath', nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'w3tc' ); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e( 'Test StackPath', 'w3-total-cache' )?>" /> <span id="cdn_test_status" class="w3tc-status w3tc-process"></span> </th> </tr> <?php endif ?>